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Collaborate, compete

Merger & Acquisition Advisory
Expand and Grow Your Business


Predominantly created with the Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) sector in mind, Bluefriars Acquisition Services Limited offers consultancy and advisory services for merger and acquisition activity (M&A). We can assist you with developing a growth via acquisition strategy and with changes of control upon acquisition. We are also skilled in sell side disposals if you decide to exit your investment.


M&A has long been an essential part of a successful business strategy for profitable growth and balance sheet enhancement. Many companies have  succeeded in delivering superior shareholder returns using M&A activity.

However, successful deals require a well-defined strategy and solid execution experience, plus an understanding of the regulatory landscape.


We work with you to build a clear and cost-effective strategy to define your M&A targets, and in conjunction with our management consultancy service, work to ensure your merger, acquisition or disposal achieves the outcomes you desire.


With over 100 transactions completed since inception, we can guide you through the maze of sale or purchase.




Suncrest, Throcking Lane,

Buntingford, SG9 9RP

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Group Limited.

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Bluefriars Group Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 08355483

Bluefriars Brokers Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 08508847 and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 604987.

Broker at Lloyd's BFB 1605.

Bluefriars Training and Consultancy Limited is registered in England and Wales under

Company Number 10062793

Bluefriars Acquisition Services Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 11157109

Bluefriars Brokers Brussels SRL is a company registered in Belgium under Company Number 0760 443 277 with its registered office at Square de Meeûs 35,

1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bluefriars Brokers Brussels SRL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA – Belgium).

Bluefriars Brokers Central Europe s.r.o. is a company registered in the Czech Republic under Company Number 079 82 216, with its registered office at 21, Nyklovice, Rovecne 59265, Czech Republic.

Bluefriars Brokers Central Europe s.r.o. is authorised and regulated by the Czech National Bank (CNB)

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