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Get the green light

Bluefriars Brokers Limited has the necessary expertise and experience to guide you through the process if you seek independent regulatory authorisation, revised permissions, change of ownership and many other interactions with the FCA, PRA, or your European regulator. 


We work with you closely to understand your business requirements and what permissions you require.


We then assist you in the compilation of your application pack, which entails all the requisite information, including your Regulatory Business Plan, Compliance Monitoring Programme and policies, processes, and procedures. 

Using our structured application process to ensure a smooth and time-efficient presentation to the regulator, Bluefriars will manage the submission process for you. We have extensive experience in liaising with regulators on authorisation requests at all levels.


Our application work is always specifically tailored to your business and post-authorisation needs, so that we can maximise your outcome and assist with the ongoing development of your enterprise. 

Achieve Authorisation





Suncrest, Throcking Lane,

Buntingford, SG9 9RP

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Group Limited.

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Bluefriars Group Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 08355483

Bluefriars Brokers Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 08508847 and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 604987.

Broker at Lloyd's BFB 1605.

Bluefriars Training and Consultancy Limited is registered in England and Wales under

Company Number 10062793

Bluefriars Acquisition Services Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 11157109

Bluefriars Brokers Brussels SRL is a company registered in Belgium under Company Number 0760 443 277 with its registered office at Square de Meeûs 35,

1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bluefriars Brokers Brussels SRL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA – Belgium).

Bluefriars Brokers Central Europe s.r.o. is a company registered in the Czech Republic under Company Number 079 82 216, with its registered office at 21, Nyklovice, Rovecne 59265, Czech Republic.

Bluefriars Brokers Central Europe s.r.o. is authorised and regulated by the Czech National Bank (CNB)

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