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Bluefriars Group is an independently owned, boutique financial services incubator and consultancy.


Our expert team specialises in insurance and intermediation, (including insurance, mortgage and independent financial advice), but has worked in areas as diverse as asset management and investment banking.


This allows us to build unique solutions to help entrepreneurs to flourish in the financial services industry. Our geographic reach covers both the UK and Europe, but we have assisted from territories as far as the Americas and Australasia. We have a deep understanding of business risk, business governance and the regulatory landscape over all points in the commercial cycle, from pre-launch to seasoned business.

At Bluefriars, we are experienced business builders, with over 30 successful company launches in the last decade to our credit.


Whether you have already established your company or are considering making the move towards personal and financial independence, we can support you along your journey from establishment, through growth and expansion, to business sale. 


Coupled with Bluefriars' commercial experience as market practitioners and serial entrepreneurs, we believe our unique combination of business knowledge, regulatory expertise and market insight gives you the best possible advantage to forge your own path to success.

About Bluefriars
About Bluefriars





Suncrest, Throcking Lane,

Buntingford, SG9 9RP

©2024 Bluefriars

Group Limited.

All rights reserved.

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Bluefriars Group Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 08355483

Bluefriars Brokers Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 08508847 and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 604987.

Broker at Lloyd's BFB 1605.

Bluefriars Training and Consultancy Limited is registered in England and Wales under

Company Number 10062793

Bluefriars Acquisition Services Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 11157109

Bluefriars Brokers Brussels SRL is a company registered in Belgium under Company Number 0760 443 277 with its registered office at Square de Meeûs 35,

1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bluefriars Brokers Brussels SRL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA – Belgium).

Bluefriars Brokers Central Europe s.r.o. is a company registered in the Czech Republic under Company Number 079 82 216, with its registered office at 21, Nyklovice, Rovecne 59265, Czech Republic.

Bluefriars Brokers Central Europe s.r.o. is authorised and regulated by the Czech National Bank (CNB)

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